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Vientiane - Luang Prabang

ATTS 9 Pre-Symposium Study Trip

The pre-symposium study trip highlights the rich textile traditions of Laos in general and those specific to Luang Prabang, the former royal capital of Laos and presently a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Price: $650, twin-sharing; $750, single

Includes hotel, meals, and transportation including between Vientiane and Luang Prabang

Excludes personal expenses

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for more details and to check availability before purchasing

Lao Handicraft Festival


October 31, 2024 - Arrive in Vientiane. Special tour of the National Handicraft Festival featuring over 100 booths dedicated to traditional textiles of Laos, demonstrations, and the Charity Dinner where people wear their finest old and new traditional textiles.


November 1, 2024 - Travel to Luang Prabang to meet Dr. Linda S. McIntosh who will give a presentation on the textiles of Laos at her riverside home. Visit galleries in the historic district.

November 2, 2024 - Visit the UXO Lao Visitor Center to see the new exhibit curated by Dr. Linda S. McIntosh.


Special event at Sang Khong Village where the entire community awaits us. Besides, textiles and natural dyeing, you can see woodcarving, papermaking, and more. The visit includes entry to the Mae Onn Living Museum where Dr. Linda S. McIntosh was curatorial advisor and writer.


Visit a silk farm and pottery village.


November 3, 2024 - Director-led tour at the Traditional Arts & Ethnology Centre before returning to Vientiane.


Fly to Vientiane at midday


Visit Mulberries Silk Centre with an optional natural soap and dye workshop.

Lao goldwork embroidery
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